Alicia Piedalue is running for the open Ward 7 Newton School Committee seat, championing a platform of inclusive programming.
From Isolation to Empowerment: Black in Business BC Bridges the Gap for Black CSOM Students
Black CSOM students at Boston College often face isolation and underrepresentation, impacting their sense of belonging and professional growth. In response, they’ve built their own support networks, including Black in Business BC, a student-led group providing mentorship, resources, and career connections. Despite challenges, they foster a strong, unified community.
“It Was Kind of Apocalyptic”: BC Students Lose Homes and Communities in California Wildfires
As wildfires ravaged the Pacific Palisades, Gigi Glass, MCAS ’27, watched in disbelief from her deck as smoke billowed over her neighborhood. By the time the flames subsided, her family’s home was reduced to ashes, she said. “When they started, I was at my house,” Glass said. “We could see the smoke from our roof…
Boston College Needs to Take Advantage of AI, Not Run Away From It
Just like the internet, computers, television, and telephones before it, AI has untapped potential to change our lives for the better—no matter how much we resist it at first.
What’s Lacking in the Standard Student-Professor Dynamic?
Have you ever had a really shitty teacher?
Maybe they did not explain the material well, were very strict with their assignment deadlines, or just put half the class to sleep. It doesn’t just matter what they teach, it matters how they teach.
Frustration Pervades BC Students As They Move Out of Dorms
In the 24 hours following Wednesday’s announcement, BC students become frustrated with the University as they attempt to navigate travel and storage plans.
Wu Discusses the Complexities of the First-Generation Identity
Shihua Wu, vice president of the first-generation club and CSOM ’20, delves into parsing layers of identity as a first-gen student at BC, as well as where the community can improve its support of first-gen students.
Graduate Union Interrupts Parents’ Weekend Event, Pickets Pops on the Heights
About 30 members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU-UAW) first walked out of the annual President’s Address in Robsham Theater before carrying out a planned picket outside Pops on the Heights Friday night.
12 Sophomore Transfers Being Temporarily Housed in Keyes Lounges on Newton Campus
Due to a lack of space on Main Campus, 12 transfer students, all women, are currently living in converted lounges in Keyes Hall on Newton Campus, according to Greg Jones, the director of housing operations. The Office of Residential Life converted these lounges into makeshift rooms by permanently locking one door and installing a lock…
Guest Op-Ed: A Statement of Solidarity
Statement Of Solidarity Regarding Supreme Court’s Decision To Uphold The Muslim Ban Dear Boston College Eagles, On Tuesday the 26th of June, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the Muslim Ban, a policy motivated by explicit racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-immigrant, and anti-refugee sentiment, was constitutional. The court chose to ignore the animus of…