Recruiting’s move to the fall for some business careers is pushing juniors to go abroad in the spring, throwing off housing capacity.
With McGillycuddy-Logue Program, Students Serve While Abroad
Service and study abroad: two things BC students love. The McGillycuddy-Logue Program encourages students to do both during their time as undergraduates.
Conference Prepares Students for Studying Abroad
In a conference held last week, several educators from various universities talked to BC students about making the most of their study abroad experiences.
A Broad Perspective: Memories From a Semester at Home
People often hear stories of juniors who studied abroad. But what about the juniors who decided to stay at BC?
Let’s Skip The Small Talk
Small talk—it’s easy. But, ultimately, small talk keeps people from being the smart, engaging individuals that they actually are.
Letting The Negatives Justify Themselves
Letting the negative emotions in doesn’t mean that you’re weak, or any less human. It means much, much more than that.
Lessons From London: How To Feel Small Around Big Ben
Kendra Kumor reflects upon her time studying abroad in London, and on the necessity of perspective.
Foreign Affairs: A BC Student’s Impressions Amid Middle East Tension
A student studying abroad in Jordan reflects on recent tensions in the region and their impact on her experience thus far.
A Tale Of Terror In Two Cities: Life Amid Crisis In Boston And Paris
A Bostonian reflects on two tragedies—the Marathon Bombing and the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ attacks—and respectively, how two cities responded.
Duality Of Study Abroad
The first weeks of a post-abroad semester are filled with friends, acquaintances, and peripheral figures asking about one’s time spent outside of his or her homeland. These questions, prompted by genuine interest or social protocol, must be answered in the same way. As the semester deepens and the subject runs dry, talk of abroad eventually…