Created by Christian Nicholson and Michael Gordon, both BC ’15, EchoMe aims to revolutionize the music sharing in the age of social media.
Looking Past Technology
“The wall formed by the many open computers creates both a physical and intellectual barrier between students and faculty.”
Focus on Me: Communicating in Modern Life
While it may seem that the new generation is losing social skills, the reality is that we are instead honing a different set of them.
MIT Professor Talks M-Pesa Mobile Money Service in Africa
MIT professor Tavneet Suri talked to students on Thursday about M-Pesa, a mobile money service, which primarily functions in Kenya.
Harvard Startup Makes Tutoring Part of the Sharing Economy
Midterm season is upon us, but Quickhelp offers personalized in-person tutoring services for any subject on demand.
CliqBit: A New App That Creates a Social Media Haven, Founders Say
CliqBit is a place for members to interact casually and make people more aware of their own individual, humorous moments.
Boston Startup ‘Yeti’ Takes the City’s Snow Removal into its Hands
Yeti will take care of snow removal for you.
Freebird Startup Simplifies Air Travel and Empowers Customers
When Ethan Bernstein walked through the airport doors on Presidents’ Day last year, he had no idea that inspiration was about to strike.
Boston to Become Global Headquarters for General Electric
Boston was one of many cities bidding on becoming GE’s new home.
Living Our Lives For The Stories
It is within our power to not let cell phones and social media control our lives.