I feel most like myself when I’m walking across campus at 2:00 a.m. on a Monday, when Gasson’s bells stop chiming, the buses stop huffing and puffing their way around campus, and the Quad’s sprinklers soak the bottoms of my jeans if I don’t maneuver around them swiftly enough.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Nov. 24
The temperatures are cooling down, the Gasson Quad Christmas tree has assumed position, and holiday classics can be heard playing in Newbury Street stores. The holidays are finally here! In just a few short days, we’ll be enjoying a feast of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie with our families—a much-deserved break from the endless hustle and bustle of the fall semester.
What ‘The Heights’ is Thankful For
I’m thankful for every bit of Mac 113—the navy-blue couches we inherited from Will’s childhood home, the bulky printer that malfunctions more often than not, and the string lights that Laboy hung up during our sophomore year. More importantly, I’m thankful for the office-goers I’ve spent hundreds of hours editing, arguing, and laughing with over the past three years.
What ‘The Heights’ is Thankful For
The names that dot this page make up a crazy family that’ll laugh, scream, and cry together for years to come. I’ll always be grateful for them.
BC Administrators Must Be More Responsive to ‘The Heights.’ Here’s Why.
Journalists don’t always own their bias. But at The Heights, it’s part of our motto. “For a Greater Boston College” means we want this University to do well. And for over 100 years, we have told the stories of this University and built dialogue that uplifts conversation on campus.
“Only Things I Want Are a Haircut And an Education”: Travel Restrictions Threaten International Students, Faculties’ Arrival
A combination of travel bans and immigration restrictions imposed by the Trump administration in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic is making it unlikely that international faculty and students will be able travel to the United States in time for the start of the fall semester.
Cultural Diversity Requirement Has Done Well, but There Is More to Be Done
For most Boston College students, core requirements are pesky intro classes that take up a year’s worth of college. They’re a huge part of what makes BC the special, Jesuit university that it is. You might often hear a student, in passing, complaining about the core and asking why it was even created in the…
Giving Thanks
The Heights editors share what they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Murphy: Sometimes You Have to Wait
To do The Heights is often to make the mere suburban blip that is BC into the whole world, to zoom in so close that you breathlessly rewrite headlines at 1 a.m. to better capture the most microscopic of details, or reword a caption on page 14 to reflect this rather than that.
The Beautiful and the Famed: Lesley Visser, Sports Legend
Lesley Visser has written for the best sports section of all time, been inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame, and carried an Olympic torch. Plus, she’s been drinking with Barrett Bryan.