“If you supported diversity of opinion, you’d have spoken out against those who harassed Batsinelas and Mancini, who actively supported different opinions on campus, for breaking from commonly accepted beliefs during their campaign last year, or perhaps you’d have condemned the individual who asked friends to literally treat Michael Proietta like a toilet because of his ‘controversial’ opinions.”
News in the Next Century
We invite you to join us in celebrating 100 years of The Heights.
What Comes Next: The Future and The Heights
We’re changing the way we serve the Boston College community to adapt to the modern media landscape. Join us for the ride.
The End’s Not Near, It’s Here
“For me, it came in all of those things, and in the people who walked home with me from Heights production, in a blizzard, after a 12-hour work session, with snow stinging our faces and catching in our eyelashes, and stars winking at us from above.”
Ask the Editors: What is Your Perfect First Date?
From ice cream and movies to late-night puffs of cigars, our editors have special ideas for the perfect first date.
Structural Changes To ‘The Heights’
Lots of structural changes are coming to “The Heights” to bring readers more relevant content, teasers on the front page.
Watch: The Pregame Is Over For ‘Mod Of Cards’
Just in time for finals, ‘Mod of Cards’ is here. The first installment of the BC-based feature-length series premiered Sunday night.
What Would’ve Gone In The Heights Today If We Weren’t Lazy Bums Who Needed A Day Off
We took our annual fall break this weekend for The Heights, which means there’s no new print issue around campus today. To make up for that, Connor Mellas and Austin Tedesco came up with a list of stories you likely would have read in the newspaper if we’d put out an issue today.
An Overdue Update For Our Website
‘The Heights’ has officially launched a revamped website to provide a more reader-friendly experience and to showcase our contributors’ work more effectively.