The Boston College Theatre Department brings wretched souls to life in their production of Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘No Exit,’ a play that magnifies the most despicable qualities of man in an abstract version of hell.
News, Featured Story
How BC’s Production of ‘Chicago’ is Responding to the Las Vegas Shooting
“It was important that we, as men and women for others, address what happens to our human family when one man … decides to extinguish the lives of 59 people and injure over 500 more,” wrote director Michelle Miller, BC ’98.
Column, Features
Embracing BC’s Traditions but Adding to My Wish List
Since she came to Boston College a year late as a transfer, Shannon Kelly is trying to make up for lost time by participating in the typical BC traditions.
Arts, On Campus, Featured Story
Greek Life Comes To Robsham With ‘The Trojan Women’
Constructing a post-apocalyptic world in Robsham, the BC theatre department reinterprets the fall of Troy with ‘The Trojan Women.’