Boston College launched a six-week senior discernment series this semester that aims to encourage students to reflect upon their time at BC and prepare them for life after graduation, according to Tom Mogan, the facilitator of the series.
News, Administration, Top Story, On Campus
Liquor Law Violations Fall 13 Percent in 2018
There were 1,264 liquor law violations at Boston College in 2018, compared to 1,461 in 2017. The number of drug law violations also declined—from 177 violations to 139—from 2017 to 2018.
News, Top Story, Administration
VP for Student Affairs Joy Moore Previews Changes
After serving in the position on an interim basis since last fall, Joy Moore, BC ’81, was named vice president for Student Affairs last month, an opportunity she said she is thrilled about and reaches far past what she ever thought was possible in her career.
News, On Campus
CSD Chair Dunphy Details Council’s Mission
Council for Students with Disabilities chair Sean Dunphy said he hopes to make campus more accessible and improve attendance at CSD events.
News, On Campus, Top Story
Two Students Accused of Property Damage For Chalking
When asked if he knew that chalking was in violation of University policy, Matthew Barad, MCAS ’19, said, “I did not. And I am still not convinced it is.”