Two weeks ago, 1,033 Boston College students received their 2024–25 study abroad placements. When considering the opportunity of studying abroad, a key factor for many of these students and their families is the financial burden.
Editorials, Opinions
BC Administrators Must Be More Responsive to ‘The Heights.’ Here’s Why.
Journalists don’t always own their bias. But at The Heights, it’s part of our motto. “For a Greater Boston College” means we want this University to do well. And for over 100 years, we have told the stories of this University and built dialogue that uplifts conversation on campus.
News, On Campus
15 Percent of Students Respond to UGBC Effectiveness Survey
Of the 10 categories surveyed, disabilities and transitioning into the BC community were the only two that received “neutral” rankings by the majority of responders. The rest were “agree” or “strongly agree.”
Opinions, Column
The Need for Transparency at BC
The effect of this lack of transparency can be seen in multiple ways on campus.