Social media director Onur Topur sees assistant arts editor Pat Tran’s playlist as the soundtrack to his own adventures.
Column, Arts
Revitalizing Beloved Stories as Old as Time
Just when you think all the great stories have already been produced, new artists can breathe life into existing art forms to create stunning results.
Arts, Television
‘Twin Peaks’ Embraces Darkness in Nightmarish End
David Lynch continues to bend minds and haunt dreams during the Showtime revival of the beloved and beguiling ‘Twin Peaks.’
Arts Features, Television, Arts
Upcoming TV Series to Cure Summer Boredom
TV fanatics can expect the return of their favorite shows this summer, as well as new series that feature distinctive takes on TV genres that they already enjoy.
Cruising Through the Streets and Strutting Through Airports
This list is the most beautiful thing this side of the Shaggyfling River.