Your phone—that little device that, for many people, is the one thing we bring with us wherever we go. You might even be using it right now to read this. Supposedly, it connects us to the world. Yet somehow, it still manages to disconnect us from each other.
Panelists Weigh Social Media Ahead of 2020 Election
The Undergraduate Government of Boston College and College Democrats of BC joined forces, organizing a discussion on the role of social media in elections.
Weiskott Brings Medieval Times to Students’ Fingertips
Middle English, Medieval Literature, and the 14th Century’s customs and intricacies may seem inaccessible and irrelevant to students in 2018, but Erik Weiskott (Twitter verified professor and media-extraordinaire) proves that notion wrong.
Escaping My Addiction to Social Media
“But as I watch the multitude of pictures and videos load, I feel my heart sink just a bit. I had spent my Saturday night watching a movie in my dorm.”
Defending The Value of Social Media
“I would be lying if I said that social media has had a purely negative effect on my life. In fact, in some ways, it has helped me to more deeply value life itself.”
What is Behind BC Athletics’s Cryptic Tweet?
BC Athletics tweeted out that it has a big reveal coming up this week. We’re pretty confident it has to do with pretzels, but we took a few more guesses, too.
Cruising Through the Streets and Strutting Through Airports
This list is the most beautiful thing this side of the Shaggyfling River.
Pondering the Social Epidemic of Posthumous Praise
In the wake of Harper Lee’s death, twitter buzz and newsworthiness prompt an examination of the social media epidemic aptly titled “Enigmatic Electronic Eulogizing.”
Living Our Lives For The Stories
It is within our power to not let cell phones and social media control our lives.
Professors Use Twitter As Classroom Tool
Professors teaching large lecture classes are turning to Twitter to foster discussions on course material.