Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, BC ’09, appeared before the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Financial Services on July 23 to support increasing taxes and fees on ride-sharing services.
Uber and Lyft Policy to Change at Logan Airport
The proposal to ban Uber and Lyft from picking up and dropping off customers on the curb outside of the Logan Airport terminals and to add a drop-off fee at Logan was approved Thursday. The Massachusetts Transportation Authority (Massport) voted to institute the new policies beginning in October 2019.
MassDot Launches Pilot Program to Expand Handicap Accessible Transport
The program provides financial incentives to the companies in attempt to increase the availability of wheelchair accessible vehicles. For every hour that wheelchair accessible vehicles are made available for use, Lyft and Uber will receive a subsidy of $24 from MassDot and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).
Mass. Port Authority Announces Plan to Raise Charge for Ubers and Lyfts to Logan Airport
Massachusetts Port Authority announced plans to increase the charge for Ubers and Lifts entering Logan Airport. The pick-up and drop-off fee would increase from $3.25 to $5.00.
How Silicon Valley Ignited an Electric Scooter Renaissance
As car ownership becomes increasingly inconvenient in urban settings and variable costs rise, startups are betting on a drastic shift in transportation that they hope will solve the ‘last-mile’ problem.
Evans Airs Concerns About Ride-Sharing Services
Boston College Chief of Police Bill Evans thinks that ride-sharing poses some of the most troubling dangers that students face day-to-day.
BCPD Does Not Report Student’s Alleged Sexual Assault in September
It was at the discretion of BCPD to assess the imminence of the danger, and it believed that it was not worthwhile to report.
BCPD Should Have Reported Rape Incident
Editor’s Note: It is come to our attention that there are multiple inaccuracies in the article on which this editorial is based. We are working on a correction and update, and will provide one as soon as possible. Several news outlets recently reported that a Boston College student was allegedly raped by an Uber driver…
Reports: Uber Driver Charged With BC Student’s Rape in September
The student was raped three times, in a parking lot and several other sites, before she was dropped off at BC. The student then immediately reported the incident to the Boston College Police Department.
All-Female Rideshare Service Only Temporary Solution
“SafeHer is a rideshare company in Boston that will be launching a female-only service nationwide.”