Earlier this month, UGBC began providing free laundry detergent and dryer sheets for freshmen in the laundry rooms in O’Connell House on Upper Campus, Keyes Hall on Newton Campus, and Messina South on Brookline Campus.
Office of Global Education Developing Online Module for Study Abroad Applications, UGBC Senator Shares
Alessandra Veveiros is collaborating with the Boston College Office of Global Education (OGE) to create an online module to help prospective study abroad students prepare for the application process, she shared at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Responds to Federal Policy Changes, Reaffirms Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Despite recent changes in federal policy, UGBC is still committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity, said Katie Garrigan, UGBC vice president and MCAS ’25.
Advocacy Paves the Way for Legacy
Just two weeks before the start of my freshman year, I was welcomed into a community that completely shifted the trajectory of both my life and experience here at BC. The BC F1RST College Transition Program (CTP) provides support and guidance to help students succeed. They offer programs that foster relationships with faculty, encourage the use of university resources, and cultivate intentional connections that will benefit students throughout their college careers. It was truly heaven-sent for a student like me, who grew up in Georgia and was moving across the country for the first time in my life.
New Program Offers Free Transportation for LSEHD Practicums and CSON Clinicals
Starting this semester, UGBC and the Division of Student Affairs are providing free CharlieCards for Lynch School of Education and Human Development (LSEHD) and Connell School of Nursing (CSON) students with high financial need to cover transportation to practicum and clinical experiences.
UGBC Explores Potential Agora Portal Mobile App and CSOM Curve Transparency
Student senators prepared for an upcoming meeting with BC Information Technology Services (ITS) about the possibility of creating a centralized Agora Portal mobile app at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Senate Set To Launch Free Laundry Detergent Initiative for Freshmen, Senator Shares
A UGBC Senate initiative to provide free laundry detergent in freshman residence hall laundry rooms is nearly ready to launch, said Danny Wise, student life committee chair, at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Discusses Improving Study Abroad Application Process
The study abroad application process at Boston College is overly complicated and should be streamlined, student senator Alessandra Veveiros said at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
BC Dining Considering Switching to Swipe Meal Plan System, UGBC Senator Shares
Boston College Dining is considering switching to an all-you-can-eat, swipe-in meal plan system, Student Senator Addie Weiss shared at the UGBC Senate meeting Tuesday night.
UGBC Condemns Racist Text Messages Targeting Black Students
Following reports of racist, anonymous texts targeting Black students, UGBC President Meghan Heckelman said student government has a responsibility to take a stand. “Different opinions are accepted, but what’s not accepted is when it turns racist, sexist, xenophobic,” Heckelman, LSEHD ’25 said. “It’s time for student government to take a stand against some of this.”…