A motion to add “political affiliation” as an identity protected under Section 5 of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College Constitution failed to pass in the Student Assembly (SA) last Tuesday.
Sheikh Embraces New Role as Academic Affairs Chair
Aneeb Sheikh, MCAS ’20, is ready to create to change as the newest chair on the Undergraduate Government of Boston College’s Academic Affairs Committee and president pro-tempore of UGBC.
Gehman Hopes to Market Overlooked Student Resources
John Gehman, the new chair of the Intersections Committee and MCAS ’21, plans to provide initiatives that encompass the entire, diverse Boston College community by concentrating on creating programs that emphasize intersectionality, differing identities, and inclusivity.
Jesuit College Student Government Leaders Create Alliance
Student government presidents at the United States’ 28 Jesuit colleges and universities, as well as St. John’s College in Belize and Campion College in Canada, announced the creation of the Jesuit Student Government Alliance (JSGA) on Oct. 5.
UGBC Fills Open Seats Following Delay in Elections
After a technical hiccup delayed the elections, this year’s Undergraduate Government of Boston College elections for Student Assembly (SA) filled nine open seats—four first-year positions, three senior class positions, and two miscellaneous positions.
Canavan Lays Out Goals for UGBC Environmental Committee
As Kate Canavan, newly appointed chair of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College’s environmental committee, is concentrating on leading her group to an increased presence on campus.
UGBC Confirms Committee Chairs, Other Positions
On Tuesday, the Student Assembly (SA) of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College confirmed multiple chairs for various committees making up the assembly.
New UGBC Budget Set at $329,138
The budget for the Undergraduate Government of Boston College is set at $329,138 for the 2018-19 year, a $1,162 increase over the 2017-18 budget. The main goals for this year’s budget are to allocate and spend money more efficiently and reach as many students as possible during UGBC events, according to Annika Li, vice president of financial affairs for UGBC and CSOM ’19.
With Release of New Handbook, UGBC Places Emphasis on Resolution Implementation
The Undergraduate Government of Boston College has approved a revised version of its Senator Handbook for the 2018-2019 year. The handbook is a detailed guide that breaks down rules and regulations senators should follow in order to carry out their missions as a governing body. UGBC is specifically gearing the handbook around emphasizing to Student…
UGBC Launches “Senators in Residence Halls” Initiative
The Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) will be launching a new initiative called “Senators in Residence Halls” this September, according to Ignacio Fletcher, executive vice president of UGBC and MCAS ’20. Senators will be assigned to represent students in every residence hall on campus. The only delay in the launch of the initiative will…