Hannah Chen, MCAS ’21, wants to create a stronger community for freshmen.
UGBC Confirms New Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion
The selection process had to be redone after the initial pick left BC over the summer.
UGBC Creates Committee to Fundraise for Hurricane Maria Relief
Unidos Por Puerto is a fundraising effort set up specifically for hurricane relief with over 20 major corporate partners.
Blind Ballot Resolution Falls One Vote Short in Student Assembly
Student Assembly members debated the blind ballot’s effect on its public image, the diversity of thought during meetings, and the organization’s transparency.
UGBC Must Utilize Diverse Outreach Methods
“Marketing to college students presents a significant challenge that will require more than a few solutions to overcome.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“To queer folks directly, you belong at BC. Plain and simple: you belong here.”
UGBC Budget Set At Over $320K For 2017-18 Year
The most notable budget increase is for the the Council for Students with Disabilities, which received $13,128, a $5,107 increase from last year.
UGBC Without VP of Diversity and Inclusion at Start of Year
Akosua Achampong and Tt King, both MCAS ’18, start this week as the first solely female president and executive vice president of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College, and have experienced some recent personnel changes.
Looking Back at UGBC’s 2016-17 Leadership
Russell Simons and Meredith McCaffrey had entered the race together only after McCaffrey’s previous running mate dropped out of the race , and Simons, who had worked on McCaffrey’s old campaign, took center stage as a candidate.
Achampong and King Experience Some Transition Hiccups
Achampong and King had to redo their interview process for vice presidential applicants because the first round didn’t meet the requirements of the UGBC constitution.