Although many are disappointed by the unexpected cancellation, it remains important to remember that the cancellation was prompted by Cox and the efforts that went into securing the talk in the first place are still worth commendation.
Despite Deadline Set by UGBC, Administration Has Not Yet Adopted an Action Plan Regarding Race
After submitting a working proposal in November, UGBC expresses disappointment in the lack of a plan of action from the administration.
In Response To Gabelli Donation, UGBC Asks BC To ‘Prioritize Its Students’
A $10 million donation for campus beautification causes UGBC to release a statement.
At Trustees Meeting, UGBC Execs Share Student Narratives Of Racism
For its third meeting with the Board of Trustees, UGBC presented on institutional racism and inclusivity.
Eradicate and UGBC Approach BC Race Issues Differently
Both of these protests addressed the same general issue but went about it in very different ways.
LTE: A Letter From The Executive Council Of UGBC
‘We as the Executive Council of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College place a high value on the free expression of ideas and therefore applaud the intentions of our community in executing these programs.’
UGBC, SLAM! Collaboration Will Place A Spotlight On Mental Health At BC
Members of SLAM! will perform, and an open mic will be available for students.
Lower Campus Printers Stalled In Logistical Limbo
Administrative gridlock slows progress on student printing initiative.
Lower’s Uninstalled Printers Are Wasted Money
It’s time for students to get what they paid for in Lower—printers.
UGBC Issues Order On Free Expression
The Napoli-Hussey administration has begun executive initiatives to give students avenues for free speech and protest.