With the Free Expression Form and the Ten Student Service initiatives launched by UGBC this week, new discourse looks to be opened on the issue of free speech.
UGBC Rejects Proposed Alignment To Catholic Identity
The Student Assembly of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College rejected a resolution proposed by Hagop Toghramadjian that would symbolically align UGBC with the moral purpose of the University and endorse BC’s Jesuit history and identity.
Why Free Speech Issues Still Matter At Boston College
Another round of fliers dumped on BC’s campus stands as a reminder that issues with the topic of free speech still persist.
LTE: A Response To The Second Dump Of Free Speech Fliers On Campus
For students looking to change University policies regarding free speech, hanging up illegal fliers is not the way to go.
UGBC Stages Five-Week Endeavor To Engage Students On Social Issues
Each week of the program adheres to a theme consistent with the goals in Thomas Napoli and Olivia Hussey’s platform.
Reporting For Bias Incidents To Shift To New Online Platform
Students can use an online form to anonymously report incidents of bias or microagression.
UGBC Funding Increases, Little Change Is Seen
With another year and a $9,000 increase in its budget, UGBC still struggles to put forward real change for the student body.
UGBC Budget Increased To $328,000 For The 2015-16 Academic Year
The budget for the 2015-16 school year has several changes, including a more direct allocation of funds.
New Student Guide Focuses On Format, Forgoes Current Free Speech Proposal
After months of meetings, the free speech proposal has stalled, though dialogue continues.
Group Of Outgoing Seniors, Alums Pledge No Donations Until LGBTQ Center Created
The petitioners are urging alumni not to donate to the University until an LGBTQ resource center is established.