Following rumors of a norovirus outbreak—a highly contagious gastrointestinal virus—on campus, Tom Nary, director of University Health Services, sent an email to the student body titled “Update on Winter Health Issues.”
New Bus Stop Added Near Health Services
An additional bus stop near University Health Services was added to the Newton Eagle Direct and Newton Eagle Limited routes on Jan. 14.
University Health Services Creates Online Appointments
University Health Services created a portal through their website in which students can book appointments online. This update in technology coincided with UHS’s move to 2150 Commonwealth Avenue in June.
Health Services Relocates to 2150 Comm. Ave
UHS began operations in its new location in 2150 Comm. Ave today with updated equipment and additional space.
Let’s Talk About Sex (Maybe): A New UGBC Bill Could Mean a Change in Sexual Health Discussion
Though the conversation has been lacking for the past few years, a new bill from UGBC might finally get people talking about sexual health on campus.
In The Dumps With The Mumps
People are often very critical of UHS without actually talking to the administrators in charge about their problems. Going to the source, the director of UHS, reveals the success health services has month in and month out.
University Health Services Clarifies Processes At St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
Thomas Nary, M.D., director of University Health Services, clarified that students should only anticipate a routine evaluation by emergency room physicians.