“In recent weeks, the NLRB has issued decisions that make clear it is a partisan vehicle for limiting workers’ rights,” the Boston College Graduate Employees Union organizing committee wrote in an email.
As Columbia Decides Not to Bargain with Grad Student Union, BC Reaffirms Decision to See Appeal Through
“This is going to establish a trend, a pattern, and a precedent,” Gary N. Chiason, a professor at Clark University, told The New York Times.
On Union, BC Sides With Trump
“While many undergraduate students may have simply archived the seemingly monotonous email, the six paragraph-long message is an elaborate attempt to cover up one simple fact: BC is siding with Trump.”
Union Stages ‘Work-In’ at O’Neill, Responds to Criticism from Admin
Members of the union are holding work-ins to attract attention to its cause, with the goal of showing that they are working employees rather than just students.
Admin Letter Criticizes Graduate Employees Union
“Legally, the University has the right to appeal the election,” said Amelie Daigle, GMCAS ’19. “But that absolutely does not make it the ‘right thing to do.’”
Union Stages ‘Work-In’ at Hillside, Calls for BC to Drop Appeal
A number of supporters of the union organized to do their work, displaying signs on the back of their chairs that read “I’m working on …” followed by their subject matter.
BC Graduate Employees Union Must Seek Consensus
“Strong supporters of the union will need to reach across the aisle in order to accomplish their agenda.”
LTE: BCAAUP Chapter Endorses BC Graduate Employees Union
“The Boston College chapter of the American Association of University Professors endorses the unionization efforts of BC Graduate Employees Union-United Auto Workers.”
A Case Against the Union
“But we must not allow our noble feelings to get the best of our reason. The truth of the matter is that our indignation is far too great and our grievances far too small. We are bringing a cannon to a knife-fight.”
Why We Need a Union
“It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves and our peers. Forming a union gives us the power to do this.”