“He felt that Boston College was a gated community for white people.” Those words, casually mentioned by the nurse to explain why her son did not attend Boston College, hit me like a brick wall. As a nursing student in my population health clinical, I was placed at an elementary school in Lower Roxbury.
Convocation Speaker Liz Hauck Challenges Students to ‘Show Up’ and Volunteer
Led by ROTC students, band members, and cheerleaders, over 2,000 first-year Boston College students paraded down Linden Lane with several hoisting banners plastered with their dorm names for the first time in two years on Thursday.
Doing Service For Personal Growth
“By signing up and agreeing to fundraise for the program, I was only continuing to invest in my own growth.”
With McGillycuddy-Logue Program, Students Serve While Abroad
Service and study abroad: two things BC students love. The McGillycuddy-Logue Program encourages students to do both during their time as undergraduates.
Behind The Numbers: BC’s Tie To The Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Nearly a third of Boston College graduates entering volunteer positions choose to do so with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.
Augmenting Elementary Education In The Arts With Student Volunteers
Mentorship Through the Arts, a volunteer program founded by junior Meredith Smith, helps local public schools provide an arts education by putting BC students in art workshops for K-4 students, a valuable service for schools that have seen arts funding cut.
BC Social Justice Coalition Unites Many Issue-based Clubs Through Off-campus Advocacy
BC Social Justice Coalition provides advocacy resources for students and faculty interested in a variety of issues.