Despite my body changing, I’m still happy with the way I look, which isn’t something that comes as easily as it sounds. This extra weight that I’ve gained is a reminder that anxieties don’t just disappear. Confidence is fluid, and it will slip away from you if you let it. Feeling good about yourself is a constant process of self-reassurance.
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
Students’ Healthy Diet Should Be BC Dining’s First Priority
Confession: I used to be 250 pounds. While a small fraction of this could be attributed to an Italian grandmother who had little to no regard for portion sizes, most of it could be attributed to late-night stress-eating coupled with the easy availability of junk food. As is the same with many college students across…
Arts, Review, Music
BROCKHAMPTON’s ‘iridescence’ Illuminates Facade of Fame
BROCKHAMPTON’s ‘iridescence’ draws on old school R&B and a montage of eccentric sounds to craft a modern manifesto aimed at breaking down the facade of fame.
Opinions, Column, Featured Column
The Evolution of Weight Watching
“Society should shift its focus away from diets and quick fixes, and more toward a holistic vision of weight management incorporated within everyday lifestyle choices.”