Though Aria Nafziger lives in Williams Hall, she found herself sprawled out on a couch in the lounge of Roncalli Hall shortly after 1:00 a.m. on Monday morning. A series of late-night fire alarms in Williams had left her unable to sleep in her own bed.
News, On Campus
Williams Hall Residents Confused After RD Announces All Four RAs Will Not Return
Residents of all four floors of Williams Hall received emails from their resident director (RD) Saturday morning informing them that their resident assistants (RAs) would not be returning for the spring semester.
Top Story, News
Reports of Racist, Homophobic Vandalism in Williams Hall
A non-Boston College student allegedly tore down a Black Lives Matter flyer and an LGBTQ+ pride flag from the door of a resident assistant’s (RA) room in Williams Hall on April 2, according to an email from Director of Residential Education Dorrie Siqueiros to Williams residents.
News, On Campus, Coronavirus Updates
Some Sophomores Reassigned Housing as Williams Hall is Converted to First-Year Dorms
Students registered to live in Williams Hall are being relocated to other living assignments on campus as Boston College converts the residence hall into first-year housing.