Anthony Jack’s motivation for writing a book came from more than his experience as a former low-income, first-generation college student—it was fueled by his frustration with elite universities’ lack of awareness. “It was almost as if they were finding out they had poor and vulnerable students on their campus for the first time when COVID…
At the Winston Center, Ethics and Globalization Meet
The Winston Center hopes to broaden the minds of Boston College students entering the business world and elsewhere by challenging their ethical beliefs.
Former President Of ESPN George Bodenheimer Discusses Corporate Values At Chambers Lecture Series
George Bodenheimer, who oversaw ESPN from 1998-2011, told audience members that mission, brand and culture were the keys to success.
Former U.S. Congressman Bob Inglis Discusses Climate Change Solutions
On Tuesday night, former Congressman Bob Inglis, who served as a representative of South Carolina from 1993 to 1999 and then again from 2005 to 2011 came, to Boston College to speak about an economically conservative solution to climate change.
Former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou Speaks At Winston Center Event
Whether it is containing the spread of Ebola or combating economic crises, international organizations could play a critical role in solving society’s greatest difficulties, said former Greek PM George Papandreou yesterday afternoon.
Veteran Investor Bob Davis Talks Venture Capital At ‘Lunch With A Leader’
“It was Google before Google existed,” Bob Davis of Highland Capital said. “It dominated the Internet by a large margin, with about 100 million people who visited the site every day.”