It’s been a winter wonderland lately. It seems like every day we are getting winter storm warnings and waking up to snow covering the ground. Stokes and Gasson are looking as beautiful as ever coated in white. This also means many fun winter activities: sledding, building snowmen, and snowball fights.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 2
The Eagles are on a roll. Between the FSU upset and a BU sweep, it’s been a while since we’ve felt the sting of a loss in a long time. Now feels like the perfect time to break the curse and claim our first Beanpot title since 2012.
How To Dress for Winter: A Southern Girl’s Guide
Throughout my first BC winter, I’ve accumulated a few tactics of my own to stay warm and comfortable amid the cold. Here are some tips for all the southerners who are trying to get through the winter!
Mental Health and Dove Dark Chocolate
As I perused through Star Market, I came across the holiday-themed aisle, which all grocery stores tout prematurely at every monetarily advantageous occasion. At this time of year, the aisle is crammed with pink and red hearts and weary-looking stuffed bears.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Nov. 5
November brings a great deal of anticipatory holiday cheer, and perhaps a bit of controversy over the ever-important question: Is Nov. 1 the start of the holiday season?
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 29
Despite long having outgrown the Halloween trick-or-treating tradition, Boston College students continue to celebrate the holiday with a costume or two … or five.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 5
Despite freezing temperatures, Boston’s gray skies are gone—and the sun is shining over Gasson once again.
Boots or No Boots: The Winter Dilemma
Herds of students bundled in winter jackets leave footprints in the light dusting of snow that covers the sidewalks. Immediately, you’re faced with a dilemma: should you wear boots or sneakers?
When Christmas Comes to Boston, Craft Fairs Flourish
The thing is, though, no matter how similar they seem to each other, every market has its own personal touch, represents values important to its creators, and highlights its unique artisans.
Socks and Sickness: TU/TD
“You think a scarf is warm? Wear some comfy, fluffy socks and discover what it’s like to not be walking on ice cubes for the first time in your life.”