Tag: Newton Campus

On Being Content Where You Are
Opinions, Column

On Being Content Where You Are

Freshman year, it felt almost impossible not to compare everything about my college life to the college lives of my friends at other schools. From classes to dining halls and dorm decor to social life, I found myself constantly comparing and contrasting my experiences with the experiences of others, trying to anxiously convince myself that I lived a life just as fun and fulfilling as my friends’.

You Can Force the Triple, but You Can’t Fend Off the Trouble: BC’s Housing Crisis Is Now
Opinions, Editorials

You Can Force the Triple, but You Can’t Fend Off the Trouble: BC’s Housing Crisis Is Now

Last month, 2,394 incoming Boston College freshmen received an email that revealed long-awaited housing decisions. Students anxiously logged into their housing portals, wondering whether they would be placed on Newton or Upper. Many, however, were in for a rude awakening when they found three names listed next to their room numbers rather than two.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 4
TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 4

Even though we’ve settled into our class routines, there’s one more task we need to factor into our busy schedules: laundry day. But broken washing machines, faulty dryers, and piles of clothes atop every available surface don’t exactly create the most inviting environment.