Tag: university

Cardinal O’Malley a Part of U.S. Delegation Meeting with Pope Francis

Cardinal O’Malley a Part of U.S. Delegation Meeting with Pope Francis

Pope Francis has summoned Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop José Gomez, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, and Monsignor Brian Bransfield to the Vatican for a meeting concerning the recent grand jury report detailing sexual abuse allegations against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, according to America magazine, a Jesuit publication. O’Malley’s inclusion is notable—he leads the Vatican’s commission for the protection of young people, is the archbishop of Boston, and often attends Boston College’s commencement exercises.

Disgraced Organist Will No Longer Have Presence at University
News, Off Campus, Featured Story

Disgraced Organist Will No Longer Have Presence at University

After sexual abuse allegations were leveled against James David Christie in a Boston Globe investigation, a former artist-in-residence at the College of the Holy Cross and professor of organ at Oberlin College, organizations in the Boston area have been cutting ties with the organist the Globe described as “one of the greatest organists of his generation.” Christie has performed at the Boston College since at least 1989.

At University Convocation, Leahy Commits to “Similar Response” to Renewed Abuse Allegations in the Church
News, Administration, Top Story

At University Convocation, Leahy Commits to “Similar Response” to Renewed Abuse Allegations in the Church

University President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J. spoke to Boston College’s faculty and staff Wednesday as part of University Convocation. In his speech, Leahy shared his thoughts on the University’s place in the world, and commented more specifically on the renewed revelations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Leahy committed to formulating a response…

Thank You, Fr. Monan
Opinions, Editorials

Thank You, Fr. Monan

“Monan achieved enormous success during his time as University president, and will be commemorated for both his tangible achievements and his commitment to the Jesuit spirit that continues to inspire administrators, teachers, and students alike.”

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