News, On Campus

Williams Hall Residents Confused After RD Announces All Four RAs Will Not Return

Residents of all four floors of Williams Hall received emails from their resident director (RD) Saturday morning informing them that their resident assistants (RAs) would not be returning for the spring semester. 

“I was shocked, and I was also kind of sad because I really liked my RA,” said Lauren Scavitto, a Williams third-floor resident and MCAS ’26. “She was super nice.”

Camila Besada, a Williams second-floor resident and CSOM ’26, said no one was expecting all the RAs to move out nor were residents given an explanation for their departure.

“Nobody knows what happened, and it’s kind of weird that we lost all the RAs,” Besada said. “They’re being very quiet about it.”

Ezequiel Delgado-Cervantes, the Williams RD, sent emails to each resident with subject lines that either read “Williams 1 Update,” “Williams 2 Update,” “Williams 3 Update,” or “Williams 4 Update.” 

Aside from the subject lines and floor-specific greetings, all four emails were the same. They notified the floor residents that their RA from last semester would not be coming back to their floor. 

“We are working on finding a new RA for your floor community as soon as possible and I will update you once I have more information,” the emails read. 

If residents need assistance between 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. in the meantime, the email asks students to contact the RAs in College Road (CoRo) dorms. 

On Tuesday, Delgado-Cervantes sent an email to second-floor residents, explaining that their new RA had already moved in. 

“She’ll be introducing herself later this week but she’s moved into Williams … already,” the email reads. “We’re excited to have her join the CoRo team and I know she’ll do a great job. Feel free to introduce yourself when you see her on the floor!” 

Although the University has sent residents updates, Sanibel Betts said that the reasons for the RAs leaving remain unknown. 

“We haven’t heard any actual reasoning from our RD even though he’s been emailing us a ton of stuff,” said Betts, a Williams second-floor resident and MCAS ’26.

Scavitto and AJ Delman, Williams first-floor resident and MCAS ’26, both received an email on Wednesday from their RD telling them a new RA would be moving into their floor the following week.

“They just hired a new RA, so I guess they got on it quick, but we really haven’t heard anything from [the University], just from the RD,” Delman said.

Update (1/20/23, 5:20 p.m.): This story was updated to remove an RAs name and room number. 

Eliza Hernandez contributed to reporting.

January 19, 2023